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Need to find your Distributed System Nodes?

PathfinderBeacon is here to help. Bootstrap your distributed system with the most scalable and robust dictionary on this planet. DNS.

Since DNS caches information on multiple levels, PathfinderBeacon can provide node addresses fast, highly scalable and with minimal Bandwidth required.
If for example two searches in the same Network and for the same room are done, the chances are high that the second request will never leave the network and will be answered by the local DNS cache present in the router.

Powered by cryptographic signatures, you can create your own room without any registration requirements. You just have to either provide a RSA key or let one create by PathfinderBeacon's libraries and you are ready to publish your room and nodes addresses. The room address will be created from the key, which means that anyone with the same RSA key will automatically write to the same room.

Currently Active

Rooms 1
Nodes 10
Addresses 30
DB Hits today: 14623

Search for a node or a room

You can resolve a node or a room. On this Demo we are using the DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol provided by the public DNS resolver from Cloudflare. PathfinderBeacon libraries will use your default DNS resolver. Which we advice not to be Cloudflare.

How to use

Currently there is a golang library available. You can find it on GitHub: PathfinderBeacon
Checkout the example folder to understand how to use the library.
A complete documentation will be available soon.

Abuse and Disclaimer

If you find any abuse of the system, please report it to
This service is provided as is without any warranty or guarantee. The service is provided by volunteers and is not responsible for any loss or damage.

Proudly hosted by Mia Heidenstedt
PathfinderBeacon (c) 2024 Mia Heidenstedt and contributors

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